
Lawgiver, Statesman (570 BC – c.500 BC)

Together with Solon they are the founders of democracy in the western civilization, with Solon laying down the foundations of a democratic system of governance and Cleisthenes further elaborating on Solon’s laws, founding a system which was not only democratically superior but also axiocratic, which enabled Athenians to govern themselves by virtue not of nobility but of the majority.

Cleisthenes’ reforms were introduced in ancient Athens in 508 BC when democratic reforms were also being introduced in ancient Sparta, in fact at a faster pace. The democratization of Athens by Cleisthenes, however, developed to a greater extent over time and reached levels very different from those of ancient Sparta, which had a profound effect on the cultural renaissance of Athens. This system came to be known as Athenian Democracy.

Cleisthenes divided the people of Athens into 10 tribes named after 10 mythical heroes of Attica. These tribes formed the electoral council and served to diminish the power formerly held by the governing aristocracy. These ten tribes were further subdivided into districts, from which 500 representatives of the Parliament were elected. Furthermore, he introduced the law of ostracism whereupon people could dispose of statesmen peacefully, bestowed greater judiciary power over to the people and replaced the voting system in favour of election by allotment. Thus free male citizens of Athens could partake in the decision making of their homeland instead of a handful of aristocrats.

If Solon is considered the founder of democracy by Aristotle, Cleisthenes is regarded as early as his own contemporary times as he who perfected democracy and established the most libertarian constitution known at the time.


  1. Lendering, Jona. Cleisthenes. Available at:
  2. Ἱστορία τοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Ἔθνους, Ἀρχαία Ἑλλάδα: ἡ Ἀρχαϊκὴ Περίοδος, Μέρος Α’, Τόμος 03. Ἐκδοτικὴ Ἀθηνῶν Α.Ε. 2021.
  3. Κλεισθένης. Νεότερο Ἐγκυκλοπαιδικό Λεξικό τοῦ Ἡλίου. Ἀθῆναι: 1952.

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